Year 3 and 4 – Bramley
Welcome to the Bramley class page
Teacher – Mrs Marchant
TAs – Mrs Cooper and Mrs Ray
P.E. will take place of a Monday this term (Term 3).
Swimming is on a Thursday.
The following home learning tasks should take place each week:
- Reading
Please hear your child read at least five times a week and record it in their reading diary. Reading diaries are checked every day. Five reads a week earns a merit point.
- Spellings
Spellings will be issued each week by your child’s spelling group adult and they will have a spelling ‘quiz’ the following week.
- Times tables
Please practise times tables with your child. We have a weekly table test on a Friday.
End of year expectations:
Year 3 – Pupils should know 2, 3, 4, 5, 8- and 10-times tables and the related division facts
Year 4 – Pupils should know multiplication facts up to 12 x 12 and the related division facts
Term 2
In Science this term, we have been learning about states of matter. Children have sorted materials into solids, liquids or gases and thought about the characteristics of each state. They enjoyed investigating the melting temperature of chocolate and measuring the temperature using thermometers.
‘What is the Trinity?’ has been our big question this term in R.E.. We though about the different representations of the trinity and focused on the incarnation of God. We looked in detail at the Gospel’s of Matthew, Luke and John and made comparisons. Children made Christmas cards inspired by John’s Gospel.
Term 1
In Design Technology, children have designed and made their own kites. The children investigated different materials to see which would be the best for making a kite. They had great fun testing their kites!
We have been learning about the Victorians this term in history. Children looked at a range of artefacts to learn about daily life. They asked excellent questions and made predictions about the purpose of the object.
Term 4
Term 4 has been another busy one for Bramley Class. We have delved deeper into our topic ‘Local History’, comparing maps and photos and even enjoying a visit from Mr Stewart (a member of the Collier Street Historic group). In R.E., we have been considering the big question, ‘Why do Christians call the day Jesus died Good Friday?’ Children have thought about the events of Holy Week and the impact these events have on Christians today.
Term 3
The children have been learning about light in science and have thoroughly enjoyed investigating reflective surfaces and how to change the length of a shadow. In English, we have been inspired by the book ‘The Lost Thing’ by Shaun Tan and children have produced some excellent character descriptions. Our art lessons this term have been focusing on the work of LS Lowry. Children have practised drawing with perspective and recreated some of his famous pieces.
Term 2
Our topic ‘The Natural World’ continued this term in Bramley Class with children learning about volcanoes, earthquakes and local issues such as flooding. During design technology lessons, children designed and constructed their own bird feeders. A wide range of designs were created with great success! Forest school has been another highlight of this term. Children ventured to our woodland area weekly to enjoy a wide range of activities including fire lighting, weaving and whittling.
Term 1
Our topic this term is ‘The Natural World’. In geography, pupils have been learning about the world’s climate zones and biomes. They identified the key features of each climate zone and biome and compared different locations around the world.
In art, pupils have been using a range of different mediums to represent the seven natural wonders of the world. Pupils used oil pastels to represent the Grand Canyon in the USA, wax crayons to create the Paricutin Volcano in Mexico and sketching pencils to draw Mount Everest in Nepal/China.