Mental Health

At St Margaret's Collier Street Primary School we care about Mental Health and Wellbeing.  Please click on the link here for further information on mental health resources for children, students, parents, carers and school staff.

I need urgent help with Mental Health, what can I do?

Wellbeing and Mental Health

We belong within a rural community where the children and their families are at the centre of the work of our school where we grow and learn together. It is of high importance to us that we support every member of St. Margaret’s Primary School community. We passionately believe that all children need to feel safe and happy in order to flourish and to be the best they can be so that they can go forward to discover life in all its fullness.

The school collected very positive parental questionnaire results in a recent survey. The findings show:

  • 100% of parents believe that their child relates well to the staff within the school.
  • 98% of parents believe their child feels safe.
  • 100% of parents believe that the staff support their child’s wellbeing and mental health.

In School

The school is following the RHE curriculum, ‘Discovery Education’ and has introduced elements of 'Zones of Regulation'.  Alongside this, within the school day children are provided with many resources, strategies and opportunities to express how they are feeling. For example, using feelings baskets to check ins each morning with how children are feeling.

Well embedded in each class already is the use of Worry Boxes which allow a child to ask for support without having to start a conversation directly. Children can also find them soothing because they give them a physical way of getting rid of their worries, so they don't need to carry them around anymore and make them feel safer by holding their anxious thoughts for them.

Our older children have been trained to be peer mediators by Maidstone Mediation. Maidstone Mediation works in over 40 Maidstone and Malling schools. Mediation in schools has been shown to raise self-esteem and reduce the number of conflicts.

Mindfulness lessons covering breathing techniques, calming strategies and many other self-support ideas are delivered regularly to our children.

Should a child need any further support, at any stage, then the school can offer:

  • A trusted adult to touch base, offer support and check on the child.
  • Counselling with Rebecca Newsom.

Resources to Support Mental Health

Useful Links for Well-Being Support

External Services

Learning as we grow. Growing as we learn. Rooted in Jesus.