
What have we been learning?

Term 5

This term has been a busy one for Discovery Class! Our English work has been suspense writing using a picture book and a video for our imaginative inspiration! In history, we have been learning about The Romans and writing persuasively as Boudicca calling her army. Our Art was inspired by Georgia O'Keeffe; using watercolours we created close up images of flower heads. The results were beautiful! 

Term 4

Discovery Class have been learning about Europe in geography and improving the recall of European countries and capital cities.  In science, we have been learning about classification systems and carrying out experiments to see which conditions resulted in mould growth on bread.  We have been studying the work of Kandinsky through art and music lessons with creative results! 

We thoroughly enjoyed studying 'The Raven' by Edgar Allan Poe and the children were inspired to write their own chilling versions. 

The children had great fun learning and performing the Haka as part of our tag rugby lessons. 


Term 3

Term 3 has been a busy one in Discovery Class! The children have been wiring circuits as part of their topic on electricity and will be using motors to make a moving toy. In music, they have been writing lyrics to accompany a backing track which they will rap along to. Our English lessons have revolved around Cogheart by Peter Bunzl. This is an exciting tale of mechs and hybrid humans and animals - we can't wait to read on... Our Geography topic has led us to Europe and beyond! 

Learning as we grow. Growing as we learn. Rooted in Jesus.